Tag Archives: The Liebster Award

The Liebster Award ☼

The Rules

  • Thank the person who nominated you and link their blog.
  • Give your readers 11 random facts about yourself.
  • Answer the 11 questions from the blog who nominated you.
  • Nominate 11 bloggers to receive this award.
  • Come up with 11 questions for your nominees!

I was nominated by the lovely Pavi from For The Love of Fictional Worlds to do The Liebster Award! Go visit her blog, her posts are awesome and she is a wonderful human being. Thank you for the nomination! ♥

11 Random Facts about Me!

1. I often think that I was born into the wrong generation, as 80’s movies and music are my favourite.
2. I am a Girl Guide and I have been for about 5 years. (Yes, we do more than just sell cookies)
3.I can play little bits of guitar, but I would like to become more advanced in the future.
4. I am often told that I am very good at being supportive and giving advice to those in times of trouble. So I am thinking about being a youth counselor in the future.
5. My fatal flaw is believing people have the ability to be more than just people.
(Expecting too much of people)
6. I am a hopeless romantic, and I love everything to do with love.
7. My greatest musical influences are Taylor Swift & Ed Sheeran.
8. I have recently discovered that spoken word poetry and slam poetry has the ability to inspire me.
9. Words in general are what drives me. I connect with any emotion that can be portrayed in words, through poetry, music and of course books.
10. I suffer from stress headaches, and have to deal with them daily.
11. I have the ability to think very deeply about topics, and I have always been told I could be a writer, but I am never happy with what I create.  

 11 Questions from Pavi

1. The book/author that you owe your reading obsession to?

I owe my reading obsession to the one and only J.K Rowling. Her books were what started it all for me, as my Mum started reading them to me as a child, and they have been a huge part of my life since then. I have re-watched the movies hundreds of times and I am currently re-reading them again.

2. Your first fictional love.

My first fictional love was Michael Moscovitz from The Princess Diaries series. He is perfection. (Ah, swoon)

3. Your top 5 fictional role models and why?

My top 5 fictional role models would have to be:
– Hermione Granger from Harry Potter
– Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games
– Juliette Ferrars from Shatter Me
– Violet Baudelaire from A Series Of Unfortunate Events
– Thalia Grace from Percy Jackson

These characters are my top 5 role models because they are all strong female characters, they are very passionate about what they believe in and they all have great qualities in which I hope to one day possess.

4. Which book/series has influenced you the most?

The novel Thirteen Reasons Why, I feel like has influenced me the most as it really affected the way that I think and my view of the world. This book was very emotional and really hits home about the importance of how we treat one another.

5. Where do you find new books to read from?

Most of the time I find new books to read from the internet on Instagram and Booktube, but also from my friends who also enjoy reading. We often recommend books to each other as we have similar reading tastes.

6. One person (can be anyone) whose reading recommendations you would follow blindly?

I follow my Guide Leader Rebecca’s (Bec and Charlie Reads) recommendations blindly, as we share many different opinions both good and bad about popular books that we have read. She is always recommending books for me to read that I end up loving. So whenever she tells me about an amazing book she has just read, I add it to the top of my TBR pile.

7. Who is your go to listening partner for all things fictional?

My listening partner for fictional things is my best friend Dana, as we are both avid readers we understand the need to express our feelings about the events or characters in a book, despite the fact that the other may not have read it yet. We have a mutual understanding between us when it comes to all things fictional.

8. One fictional world you would give up everything to live in.

I would give up anything to live in the Harry Potter world, and attend Hogwarts. I feel like this is a common answer between many of us booknerds, but honestly I couldn’t think of anywhere else I would rather go.

9. The one book that has bought you out of a bad time.

I don’t really have one specific book that has helped me through a bad time, but reading and fiction in general always makes me feel so much better, and gives me motivation the keep moving forward and not dwell too much on the past because we all have a finite existence. 

10. Book/Series that you wish would turn into a TV Serial so as not to compromise on any detail.

I would really love to see the Mara Dyer series as TV series as I feel like it would have a large audience because of multiple aspects of the novels. As well as the fact that the books are so well pieced together, it probably couldn’t be adapted to the screen any other way because of the intricate plot lines.

11. One book that is your go to recommendation for any reader.

I highly recommend Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi as it would appeal to many readers, and the writing is so poetic and amazing. The series has a female protagonist that undergoes massive character development and is a great role model. Overall it is just a great dystopian read! Plus the covers are gorgeous! 

My Nominations:

Sorry, I don’t have 11 nominees, but I am very new here and I don’t know have many blogger friends yet! But here are my nominations!

Alina (Radiant Reads)
Ashley (What’s She Reading?)
Bec & Charlie (Bec and Charlie Reads)
Becca (Becca and Books)
Michelle (The Unfinished Book)

11 Questions for my Nominees
1. Who are your top 3 favourite authors?
2. What character would you like to have as your Best Friend or Side Kick?
3. If you could meet any actor that played a character from a book/s, who would it be?
4. If you could choose one author to write the story of your life, who would it be?
5. What was your least favourite book ever?
6. What is one book that you love, but everyone else on the planet hates?
7. What is your favourite book that is not in the Young Adult genre?
8. If you got to play a YA book character in a movie or TV series, who would it be?
9. What was the shortest time it took you to read a book?
10. Which book do you believe should receive more hype?
11. What is your all-time favourite standalone novel?

Let me know if & when you answer my questions, as I would love to read them!
Thank you all for reading my responses!

Until next time,
Emma x